DC21 quals # 3dub 01 – badmedicine

URL: http://badmedicine.shallweplayaga.me:8042
Type: cookie tampering
Solution: who wants oatmeal raisin anyways twumpAdby


  • if we set username to phoenix, we obtain:

      logged in as phoenix
      the key is only for the admin

  • if we set username to admin, we obtain:

      admin login disabled

Let’s inspect HTTP headers :

POST /login HTTP/1.1
Host: badmedicine.shallweplayaga.me
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 12
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 13:44:10 GMT
Location: /welcome
Set-Cookie: username=2bf80e
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

/login seems to encrypt the submited username and then redirect to /welcome.
If username is ‘admin’, cookie is not set…
Let’s try more usernames and look at the generated cookies to see if we can guess the encryption scheme (spaces inserted in cookie value for readability):

Username Cookie   Username Cookie
aaaaa 09 cd 29 94 af   adaaa 09 c8 29 94 af
admaa 09 c8 25 94 af   admia 09 c8 25 9c af
admin0 09 c8 25 9c a0 1e   admin1 09 c8 25 9c a0 1f

So each username’s char is encrypted depending on his place, and cookie value is the resulting hex form. Last line tells us that admin cookie value should be 09c8259ca0. Now, to obtain the challenge key, we just have to call /welcome page with this cookie:

GET /welcome HTTP/1.1
Host: badmedicine.shallweplayaga.me
Cookie: username=09c8259ca0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 14:21:55 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <p>logged in as admin</p>
    <p>The key is: who wants oatmeal raisin anyways twumpAdby


Going further

Analysing deeper the encryption scheme, it seems that it is based on a XOR with an infinite cipher bytestream (maybe a random stream with a given seed):

Username Cookie Username ^ Cookie
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa 09cd2994af4f8644331c87d81da2 68ac48f5ce2ee725527de6b97cc3
DEFCON2013_CTF 2ce90eb68160d515634eb9fa2885 68ac48f5ce2ee725527de6b97cc3
routards_rulez 1ac33d81af5c83560d0f93d519b9 68ac48f5ce2ee725527de6b97cc3

So admin cookie would be 68ac48f5ce ^ "admin" = 09c8259ca0

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